Ministries ^ Grow and Serve Together
C.O.A.L. Kids is so much more than your ordinary children’s program, it’s a totally immersive experience. coal kids meets every Sunday morning, drop off begins at 930 am. Also coal kids helps host all of our family events throughout the year. please click the link above to take you to our calendar and facebook page.
The women’s group at Coalition Church. Our group focuses on all parts of who we are being Christ centered and personally focused on our minds, bodies, and spirit. we meet monthly and do something different every month offering new and exciting ways to come together as women to help each other and learn about Christ.
Coalition Cavemen is a specifically men’s focused ministry. The goal of this ministry is to engage the community of men within our church walls and outside those walls within our communities. The idea is to get back to our manly roots while focusing on growing through Christ and his word.
The Reach at Kellyville is our main ministry offered outside the walls of our church. The Reach is the 2nd largest operating food pantry in north east Oklahoma and serves about 18,000 individuals annually. The ministry serves our community with twice weekly grocery distributions and monthly produce and necessities distributions. please click the link above to go to our facebook page, there you will find assistance if you are in need or if you would like to serve.